Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Uncharted 2 Bitchheeezzzz

Did anyone here with a PlayStation 3 have the privilege of playing Uncharted?
Did anyone have the displeasure of having to sit through Indiana Jones: And the Crystal Skull?

If you answered yes to those questions you will know that Uncharted is EVERYTHING that Indiana Jones 4 should have been. It is also just another nail in the coffin for George Lucas' and Spielberg's conquest to sodomize and "revive"(whore out) our old beloved franchises.

For those who haven't had the pleasure of experiencing Uncharted for all it's brilliance let me tell you about it. It's Awesome. The action makes you feel as though you are seriously in an old school Indiana Jones/Die Hard 90's flick, the dialogue is super slick, and the voice acting is superb. The story is written like a blockbuster film, it is the true evolution of videogaming. Oh, and did I mention that the main character, Nathan Drake is FUCKING DOPE?!

Now, we got the sequel coming out soon. It would be hard to hold a candle to it's predecessor. However, the game comes out in about 10 days. And guess what? It's already getting amazing reviews. According to what I've read so far: It's got an amazing story, updated graphics, gameplay, AND a badass MULTIPLAYER THAT PLAYS JUST LIKE THE SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN(ORGASM to the 5th degree).

So, go get Uncharted 2. Please. It will be amazing, if you don't believe me, look at its score on Metacritic. Lucas can take some tips from this game, though I hope he doesn't ever make another movie again. Ch-ch-cheeeeckkkk it Ouuuuuttt!!!!

Peep the IGN Video Review